Mẫu móng đẹp cho Ngày thánh Patrick

St. Patty's Day Nails! I bought a lot of Japanese stationery as a kid and I loved the Rilakkuma ones with green clovers :} This was the inspiration for this St. Patrick's Day look!

★ Materials »

OPI Alpine Snow (white) http://amzn.to/15YSiHq
OPI Black Onyx (black) http://amzn.to/1bkbCTE
Julep Alexandra (beige/vanilla) http://bit.ly/1dC1yrD
Sally Hansen Green with Envy (light green) http://amzn.to/1gMokQd
Julep Payton (kelly green) http://bit.ly/1k34Dmo
Zoya Shawn (dark green) http://amzn.to/1fB6FKe
Nicole by OPi Carrie'd Away (gold glitter) http://bit.ly/1iYAlj2
OPI A-Piers To Be Tan (brown) http://amzn.to/GXmjB7
OPI I Just Can't Cope-acabana (yellow) http://amzn.to/1oVWvUP

❥ Bent handle nail brush from this set
USA: http://amzn.to/14Ojlt5
International: http://bit.ly/1bV76P3

❥ Dotting tools in various sizes
USA: http://amzn.to/17pdMjf
International: http://bit.ly/NfX7IJ

❥ Striping Brush 
USA: http://amzn.to/ZUEZmE
International: http://bit.ly/1o4M9ne

CND Stickey Base Coat http://amzn.to/XBrttP
Seche Vite Topcoat http://amzn.to/Yb1697

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